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发布日期:2025-01-04 15:46    点击次数:108
大虹桥徐泾17号线地铁房【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!在售约100-150㎡精装3-4房房源其中100㎡248套+150㎡34套持续热销中一房一价先看新房,在售的华润项目联动价6.95万,【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!待售的同济项目联动价6.5万,而绿城春晓园最新一批次房源均价仅约60910元/㎡,性价比不言而喻!再看二手房,【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!与项目为邻的仁恒西郊花园挂牌价在8.3万/㎡左右、蟠龙天地8.5万/㎡左右、万科天空之城8.5万/㎡左右;比他们更新品质更高的绿城春晓园,6万出头的均价简直劲爆!以上新房价格来自网上房地产,二手挂牌价格来自链家网更要知道的是,项目这批次房源的价格已然足够劲爆,而且其中一栋楼的楼均价只有5.7万/㎡左右!【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!这意味着绿城春晓园给出了500万出头预算买进虹桥芯品质标杆的天赐良机!通常,500万级的总价预算只能买到南翔、赵巷、松江新城、颛桥等大虹桥下游板块,承接虹桥价值外溢辐射。而无论是规划能级、配套能级还是产业能级,徐泾对下游板块都是碾压态势,同样的总价预算做抉择,徐泾没有不选的道理!【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!PART1示范区已实景开放,令人惊艳的产品品质!绿城春晓园涵盖的“绿城元素”非常齐全,【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!不仅有高颜值的外立面、室外大泳池、7大架空层、地上地下双精装大堂,甚至还有10万+豪宅都难得一见的风雨回廊!为了让大家提前实景体验未来小区的归家之礼,项目的示范区已经实景开放!【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!映入眼帘的有充满质感的蓝珍珠石材、玉石玻璃景墙、和宛如镜面的水景等,强大的产品力扑面而来,最新实景图先睹为快!项目示范区实景图来看项目社区的具体配置:1,油画框立面,颇具辨识度的城市天际线!项目建筑立面汲取国际superflat超平美学理念,【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!以深灰色型材、香槟金线条与大面玻璃搭配,且沿主次干路住宅采用全封闭阳台,整齐划一的立面效果从远处看质感轻盈,时尚典雅!这是大虹桥新的城市天际线,也是未来业主身份的象征。项目效果示意图,仅供参考非交付标准2,不止是天幕泳池,更是一路连缀的水景盛景!泳池对绿城来说,是标配也是传统,更是绿城物业实力的体现,20年前的绿城项目能做到,现在的春晓园只会更好!【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!而且在春晓园,室外天幕泳池将不止是夏季游泳专属,1年四季都会成为水景的一部分。从小区大门水景,到小区中央主水景,再到层次水景,最后是天幕泳池,四大水景一路连缀,将“依水而居”的诗意生活做到极致!2024年绿城项目实景图3,10万+豪宅都难得一见的风雨回廊!沿中央泳池四周而建,春晓园规制一条长约500多米的风雨回廊将超级入口、架空层、宅间花园等节点串联,无论什么天气,业主归家都从容无比,遛娃散步都风雨无阻!项目实景图4,7大泛会所空间,尊重每一位业主的兴趣!【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!在小区中间的区域,各个楼栋的1楼都做了架空的设计,总共1500多平的空间里,安排了7处泛会所空间,涵盖健身房,桌游室,儿童游艺区,阅读书吧等内容,让各年龄段业主都能找到独属的乐趣!绿城项目架空层实景5,地上地下精装双大堂!春晓园的车库,在绿城地下光厅基础上,加入采光天井的设计,采光穿透玻璃,形成地下天幕光厅。项目设置了地上地下双精装大堂,融合无感归家系统,尊崇备至,仪式感满满!PART2建面约100-150㎡神户型+硬核装修=大虹桥品质新标杆!不得不承认,绿城的强是全方位的强!除了惊艳的社区,绿城春晓园的户型设计也是大师级水准!此次项目主推建面约100-150㎡3-4房。6个户型100㎡晓风丨三房两厅两卫四种户型150㎡春和丨四方两厅两卫 两种户型户型设计上,建面约100㎡户型,功能性做到3房2卫,适配市场主流需求。【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!LDKB一体设计,餐客相连,衔接生活阳台,视野开阔,自由度更高;格局上做到了三开间朝南,开阔采光面带来充足日照;主卧套房设计,兼具私密性舒适度。A户型:1幢 9号10号2幢 7号8号第一排南向水景,采光视野均无遮挡,阳台为全封闭交付,开放式厨房&中岛【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!台,客厅面宽约3.4米客厅进深短80cm左右B户型:4-1幢 2号 约42米栋距4-2幢28号中间套or西边套开放式厨房&中岛台阳台为半封闭交付客厅面宽约3.4mC户型:4-1幢3号02室,4-2幢27号02室中间套厨房为U型玄关面积缩短客厅面宽约3.65米尺度感更大D户型:9-17、18、19幢建面约150㎡4室2厅2卫户型,整体尺度上更为宽绰,厨房,U型设计,流畅烹饪动线,并且额外增设方太高端系列的蒸烤一机;全景采光格局,坐拥南向三卧,尤其是套房式主卧,270°采光,视野广阔无遮,营造出了一种更高阶的生活方式。【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!150 A户型(4-1/4-2)4-1幢东侧自由草场南向楼栋距约42m4-2幢东侧中央景观南向楼栋距约32m一梯两户设计,单向入户门交付约7米一体大横厅户型方正150 B户型(3/5/6)3幢:东侧自然水景,西侧自由草场,南向楼栋距约42m5幢:东侧自然水景,西侧中央景观,南向楼栋距约32m6幢:南向中央景观,一梯一户,子母设计,四开间朝南—绿城·春晓园—【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!当市场真正处于横盘的时候,才能把房子归属为‘商品’,大家才会多个维度、认真分析产品的优劣势,毕竟产品是拿来用的,理性对比后:谁“更有诚意、更具品质和性价比的实力派”。开发高品质楼盘项目,真诚善意精致完美的服务每一位业主,捕捉它当下的价值和未来的演化,在择址之初就占位未来。【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!绿城·春晓园样板间实拍图【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!值得一提的是,玄关柜也做了许多隐藏的小细节处理,如:嵌入式鞋柜精灵,不仅可以灭菌,还可以除味;贴心的为女主人设计了长筒靴位、以及不多见的折叠雨伞收纳区;玄关柜下方预留了空间以及电源,方便安装扫地机器人……绿城对于收纳空间观念的升级迭代和尺度的极致把握,在这里体现的淋漓尽致。绿城·春晓园样板间实拍图全屋智能化系统及高颜值开关面板(空调、地暖、新风三合一),【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!且整体开关背板为通铺的金属背板,可以让整个开关系统更加统一、耐用、美观、这是绿城人对产品人性化设计的精研打磨。如今,【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!人们的生活与互联网高度关联,人们已经习惯了互联网、物联网带来的便利,而将智能化真正的融入生活,这也是绿城更懂生活的体现。绿城·春晓园样板间实拍图客厅打造的叠级吊顶,全部经过细节化处理,将空调出风口做内嵌,让整体空间更具美和质感。绿城·春晓园样板间实拍图【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!整个空间细节最多的莫过于厨房,首先就是德系精工品牌西门子的抽油烟机和灶具,洗碗机为方太高端系列,另外建面约150㎡的户型还而外设置了方太高端系列的蒸烤一体机。绿城·春晓园样板间实拍图墙面公牛轨道插座和岛台升降插座的设计,【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!在美观的同时,也实现了更加人性化、科学化、实用化的空间利用效果。绿城·春晓园样板间实拍图不仅如此,【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!绿城·春晓园还在所有的卧室地板上,采用了“人字型”拼纹。每一块都严丝合缝,足以看出绿城对产品的用心。绿城·春晓园样板间实拍图【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!此次主卫的细节,更是让人惊艳,绿城对生活美学的考究真的让人感叹,绿城“武器库”的尽头到底在哪里?美妆冰箱的设计,充分考虑到女主人的生活精致感。绿城·春晓园样板间实拍图智能马桶,嵌入式壁龛,不论是生活上的便捷,还是视觉效果的美学,绿城都照顾到了。绿城·春晓园样板间实拍图【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!我们太久没看到如此惊艳的样板间了,也许光用文字就已经让大家心潮澎湃了,建议大家真真切切的去到现场,实地参观,感受一下绿城对生活美学的那颗炙热的心。PART3大虹桥产业底盘之上,徐盈国际住区配套已臻成熟!大虹桥徐泾的产业能级和未来前景已无需多言,这是板块的价值底盘!【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!但绿城春晓园强就强在,它占位徐泾产业底盘之上的徐盈国际住区,各项生活配套对于同价位板块也是降维打击!位置示意图,仅供参考交通方面:【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!绿城春晓园步行约1公里可达17号线徐盈路站,3站可达虹桥火车站然后换乘2/10号线通达浦西浦东市中心。而且徐盈路站是标准的“小而美”站点,从地面入口到上地铁几乎不用走太多路。地铁站实景图,图片来源于网络商业方面:【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!17号线徐盈路站上盖约10万方商业中心天空万科广场,1站之隔还有新晋网红地标蟠龙天地。【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!天空之城是大体量丰富业态的综合商业体,蟠龙天地则是媲美黄浦新天地的精致商业街区,既有江南古镇的悠然自得,又有接轨国际的潮流风范!快慢之间,1站切换,理想人生,就此开启!天空广场实景图,图片来源于网络蟠龙天地实景图,图片来源于网络教育方面:【绿城春晓园】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!项目周边有青浦世界外国语学校、徐泾第一小学、徐泾中学、尚鸿小学、青浦实验中学等。另外还规划了多宗教育用地,非常令人期待。(免责声明:对学校列举仅作描述使用,不代表或隐含开发商学区保证,具体请以政府规划为准)Dahongqiao Xujing Line 17 subway room【 Greentown Chunxiao Garden 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance!On sale about 100-150㎡ hardcover 3-4 rooms248 sets of 100㎡ + 34 sets of 150㎡Continue to sell wellOne price for one room« Swipe up and down to see »First look at the new house, in the sale of the China Resources project linkage price of 69,500, [Greentown Chunxiao Garden] sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (sales center) leading the era of works! The linkage price of Tongji project for sale is 65,000, and the average price of the latest batch of housing in Greentown Chunxiao Garden is only about 60910 yuan /㎡, which is self-evident!Look at the second-hand house, [Greentown Chunxiao Garden] sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (sales center) leading The Times of the works! The listing price of Yanheng West Suburban Garden, which is adjacent to the project, is about 83,000 /㎡, Panlong Tiandi is about 85,000 /㎡, and Vanke Sky City is about 85,000 /㎡; Compared with their newer and higher quality Green City Spring Xiao Garden, the average price of more than 60,000 is simply explosive!The above new house prices are from online real estate, and second-hand listing prices are from HomelinkWhat's more, the price of this batch of housing is already strong enough, and the average price of one of the buildings is only about 57,000 /㎡!【 Greentown Chunxiao Garden 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works! This means that Greentown Chunxiao Garden has given a budget of more than 5 million to buy Hongqiao core quality benchmark!Usually, the total price budget of 5 million can only buy Nanxiang, Zhaoxiang, Songjiang New City, Zhuanqiao and other downstream plates of great Hongqiao to undertake the spillover radiation of Hongqiao value.And whether it is the planning level, matching level or industrial level, Xujing is crushing the downstream plate, the same total price budget to make a choice, Xujing has no reason not to choose! 【 Greentown Chunxiao Garden 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works!PART1Demonstration area has been opened, amazing product quality!Greentown Chunxiao Garden covers the "Greentown elements" is very complete, [Greentown Chunxiao Garden] sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (sales center) leading The Times of the works! Not only has a high appearance level of the facade, outdoor swimming pool, 7 elevated floors, ground and underground double hardcover lobby, and even 100,000 + luxury homes are rare to see the wind and rain corridor!In order to allow everyone to experience the gift of returning home in the future community in advance, the demonstration area of the project has been opened in reality!【 Greentown Chunxiao Garden 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works! There are full of texture of blue pearl stone, jade glass landscape wall, and mirror-like water features, etc., powerful product force is coming, the latest real picture preview!Project demonstration area real pictureLook at the specific configuration of the project community:1, oil painting frame facade, quite recognizable city skyline!The building facade of the project draws from the international superflat aesthetic concept, [Greentown Chunxiao Garden] sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) leading works of The Times! With dark grey profiles, champagne gold lines and large glass matching, and along the main and secondary main road, the house adopts a fully enclosed balcony, the uniform facade effect is light, stylish and elegant from a distance! This is the new urban skyline of Great Hongqiao and a symbol of the identity of the future owners.Project effect diagram, for reference only to non-delivery standards2, not only the sky curtain swimming pool, but also the water scenery all the way!For Greentown, the swimming pool is standard and traditional, but also the embodiment of Greentown property strength, 20 years ago, the Greentown project can do, now the Spring garden will only be better! 【 Greentown Chunxiao Garden 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works!【 Greentown Chunxiao Garden 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works! And in the Spring Garden, the outdoor canopy pool will not only be exclusive to summer swimming, but will become part of the water feature throughout the year. From the district gate water feature, to the district central main water feature, to the level water feature, and finally the sky curtain swimming pool, the four water features all the way together, will "live by the water" poetic life to achieve the ultimate!Real view of the Greentown Project in 20243,100,000 + Luxury homes are rare to see the wind and rain corridor!Built around the central swimming pool, Chunxiao Garden has a wind and rain corridor of about 500 meters long, connecting the super entrance, the elevated level, the garden between the house and other nodes. No matter what the weather, the owner will return home calmly, and the baby will walk in rain or shine!Project real picture4,7 large pan club space, respect every owner's interest!【 Greentown Chunxiao Garden 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works! In the middle area of the community, the first floor of each building has been designed, a total of more than 1,500 square meters of space, arranged 7 pan-club space, covering the gym, board game room, children's entertainment area, reading bar and other content, so that owners of all ages can find unique fun!Greentown project aerial reality5, ground and underground hardcover double lobby!The garage of Chunxiao Garden, on the basis of Green City underground light hall, joined the design of lighting patio, lighting through the glass, forming the underground skylight light hall.The project has set up a double hardcover lobby on the ground and underground, integrating the non-feeling home system, which is full of respect and ceremony!PART2Building surface of about 100-150㎡ Kobe + core decoration = a new benchmark of quality in Hongqiao!Have to admit, green city is strong all-round strong!In addition to the stunning community, the design of the Greentown Spring Garden is also a master level!This project mainly promotes the construction of about 100-150 square meters of 3-4 rooms.6 apartment types100㎡ Xiaofeng, three rooms, two halls, two bathrooms, four types of apartment150㎡ spring and square, two rooms, two bathrooms, two types of apartmentIn terms of design, the building surface is about 100 square meters, and the function is 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms, which meets the mainstream demand of the market. 【 Greentown Chunxiao Garden 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works!LDKB integrated design, connecting guests, connecting life balcony, wide vision, higher freedom;In the pattern, the three rooms face south, and the open lighting surface brings ample sunshine;The master suite is designed for privacy and comfort.Unit A: Building 1, 9, 10, 2, 7, 8The first row of southward waterscape, lighting vision are not blocked, the balcony is fully closed delivery, open kitchen & Zhongdao [Greentown Chunxiao Garden] sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) leading The Times! The width of the living room is about 3.4 meters. The depth of the living room is about 80cmUnit B: Building 4-1, No. 2, about 42 meters from Building 4-2, No. 28Middle set or west set open kitchen & middle island balcony is semi-enclosed delivered living room with a width of about 3.4mUnit C: Building 4-1, Room 3, 02, Building 4-2, Room 27, 02The middle set of the kitchen for the U-shaped porch area to shorten the living room width of about 3.65 meters scale sense greaterUnit D: Block 9-17, 18, 19The building surface is about 150 square meters, 4 rooms, 2 halls and 2 bathrooms, and the overall scale is more generous,The kitchen, U-shaped design, smooth cooking line, and additional Fang Tai high-end series of steaming and baking machine;Panoramic lighting pattern, with three bedrooms facing south, especially the master bedroom, 270° lighting, a broad view of the open, creating a higher-order lifestyle. 【 Greentown Chunxiao Garden 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works!Unit 150 A (4-1/4 4-2)Building 4-1 east free pasture southbound building distance is about 42mBuilding 4-2 east central landscape southbound building is about 32m awayOne ladder two households design, one-way entry door delivery about 7 meters one large horizontal hall apartment squareUnit 150 B (3/5/6)3 buildings: natural water features on the east side, free grassland on the west side, the distance between the south building is about 42m5 buildings: natural water view on the east side, central view on the west side, about 32m away from the south buildingBuilding 6: South to the central landscape, one ladder to one household, mother and son design, four rooms facing south- Green Town - Spring Dawn Garden -【 Greentown Chunxiao Garden 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works! When the market is really in the sideways, in order to belong to the house as a 'commodity', we will have multiple dimensions, carefully analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the product, after all, the product is used, rational comparison: who is more sincere, more quality and cost-effective force.Develop high-quality real estate projects, sincere goodwill, exquisite and perfect service for every owner, capture its current value and future evolution, and occupy the future at the beginning of site selection. 【 Greentown Chunxiao Garden 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works!Green City, Chunxiao Garden model room real photo【 Greentown Chunxiao Garden 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works! It is worth mentioning that the entrance cabinet has also done a lot of hidden small details, such as: embedded shoe cabinet elf, not only can be sterilized, but also can remove the smell; Thoughtful design for the hostess of the boots, as well as a rare folding umbrella storage area; Space and power supply are reserved below the entrance cabinet, which is convenient to install the sweeping robot...Greentown's upgrade and iteration of the concept of storage space and the ultimate grasp of scale are reflected here.Green City, Chunxiao Garden model room real photoThe whole house intelligent system and high appearance level switch panel (air conditioning, floor heating, fresh air three-in-one), [Greentown Chunxiao Garden] Sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) leading The Times! And the overall switch backplane for the spread of metal backplane, can make the entire switch system more unified, durable, beautiful, this is Greentown people on the product humanized design grinding.Today, [Greentown Chunxiao Garden] Sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) leading the era of works! People's lives are highly related to the Internet, people have been accustomed to the convenience brought by the Internet and the Internet of Things, and the real integration of intelligence into life, which is also the embodiment of Greentown's better understanding of life.Green City, Chunxiao Garden model room real photoThe stacked ceiling created in the living room is all processed in detail, and the air conditioning outlet is embedded to make the overall space more beautiful and textured.Green City, Chunxiao Garden model room real photo【 Greentown Chunxiao Garden 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works! The most details of the whole space is the kitchen, the first is the German seiko brand Siemens range hood and stove, dishwasher for the high-end series of Fang Tai, in addition to the construction of about 150 square meters of the apartment also set up the high-end series of Fang Tai steam roasting machine.Green City, Chunxiao Garden model room real photoWall bull track socket and island lifting socket design, [Greentown Chunxiao Garden] Sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) leading The Times of the work! While beautiful, it also achieves a more humanized, scientific and practical space utilization effect.Green City, Chunxiao Garden model room real photoNot only that, [Greentown Chunxiao Garden] Sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) leading The Times of the works! Greentown Spring Garden also adopted "herringbone" patterning on all bedroom floors. Each piece is tightly stitched, enough to see Greentown's intentions for products.Green City, Chunxiao Garden model room real photo【 Greentown Chunxiao Garden 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works! The details of the main guard are amazing, and Greentown's research on the aesthetics of life really makes people sigh, where is the end of Greentown's "Arsenal"? The design of the beauty refrigerator fully takes into account the exquisite sense of life of the hostess.Green City, Chunxiao Garden model room real photoSmart toilets, embedded niches, whether it is the convenience of life, or the aesthetics of visual effects, Greentown has taken care of.Green City, Chunxiao Garden model room real photo【 Greentown Chunxiao Garden 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works! We have not seen such an amazing model room for too long, perhaps the light of the text has made everyone's heart surging, I suggest that you really go to the scene, field visit, feel the green city's hot heart for the aesthetics of life.PART3Based on the industrial chassis of Great Hongqiao, Xuying International residential area has matured!Great Hongqiao Xujing industrial level and future prospects have no need to say much, this is the value of the plate chassis!【 Greentown Chunxiao Garden 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works! However, the Greentown Chunxiao Garden is strong in that it occupies Xuying international residential area on the chassis of Xujing industry, and the living facilities are also a blow to the dimension reduction of the same price plate!Location diagram, for reference onlyTransportation: 【 Greentown Chunxiao Garden 】 Sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading The Times of the works! Greentown Chunxiao Garden is about 1 km away from Xuying Road Station on Line 17, 3 stops away from Hongqiao Railway Station and then transfer to Line 2/10 to Puxi Pudong City Center. And Xuying Road station is the standard "small and beautiful" station, from the ground entrance to the subway hardly need to walk too much.Subway station real scene, picture from the InternetCommercial: 【 Greentown Chunxiao Garden 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) leading the era of works! Xuying Road station on Line 17 covers about 100,000 square commercial center Sky Vanke Plaza, 1 station away from the new Internet celebrity landmark Panlong World.【 Greentown Chunxiao Garden 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works! Sky City is a comprehensive commercial complex with a large volume and rich formats, while Panlong Tiandi is a sophisticated commercial district comparable to Huangpu Xintiandi, which not only has the leisurely style of Jiangnan ancient town, but also has the style of integrating with international trends! Between fast and slow, 1 station switch, ideal life, this open!Sky square real scene, picture from the InternetPanlong World real scene, picture from the InternetEducation: 【 Greentown Chunxiao Garden 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works! The project is surrounded by Qingpu World Foreign Language School, Xujing No. 1 Primary School, Xujing Middle School, Shanghong Primary School, Qingpu Experimental Middle School, etc. In addition, a number of educational sites have been planned, which is very exciting. (Disclaimer: The list of schools is for description only, does not represent or imply the developer's school district guarantee, the specific please subject to government planning)Location diagram, for reference only